The subgrantee selection process for BEAD will begin with DHCD’s Office of Broadband accepting letters of intent over a 60-calendar day period to outline plans to provide last mile services, including middle-mile networks, equipment, or other investments required to deliver last-mile service to eligible locations across the Commonwealth. Applicants must submit this letter of intent to be eligible to apply in the BEAD subgrantee selection process for broadband deployment project funding. Submitted letters of intent will be publicly posted within 10 calendar days after this deadline on Virginia’s BEAD webpage.
90 calendar days following the letter of intent submission deadline, applicants must submit full applications. The Office of Broadband will receive applications through the Centralized Application Management System (CAMS) as well as this BEAD Application Portal for scored information per ZCTA application area. For those that submitted a letter of intent you will be provided a unique ID link to submit your applications.
NOTE: Broadband Providers, if the organization does not already, will need to register for an account in CAMS, which can be done at this link.